Monday, September 6, 2010

Analytical Expository Essay

The title says it all. This is what I'm currently working on which I have due in oh, 6 hours. The topic I chose is video game addiction (yeah common, boo, etc.) because its ever more prevalent in today's society.

Also, cool video with a hot chick talking about it.


  1. oh so that's why i'm addicted ha. showin' <3

  2. interesting point of view. anyways, supporting!

  3. "some of the addictiveness is due to the fact that they are intrinsically rewarding" like i said because they are fun!!!


  4. Deff. following. Interesting stuff, hit me up, i'm all about robots/lasers/computers!

  5. Wrote a paper on video game addiction once, interesting topic.

  6. that video made me realise im addicted :(

  7. Pretty much. Though I think video game addiction gets way too much flak in the media.

  8. i loved it keep up good work

  9. totally explained. addicted. still a scapegoat

  10. Is video game addiction even a bad thing? I can think of worse things to be addicted to

  11. People like to say people get addicted to Video Games, but really it's just like any hobby. Over indulgence happens. I bet these fatties would spend the same amount of time watching tv or working on Gundam models if that's what they were into.

  12. They should've used Minecraft as an example for addiction instead of MW2 xD

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I think from this perspective you can look at anything as an addiction. Either way, good documentary, Discovery usually delivers, minus the whole hostage situation.

  15. im actually a computer science major, and have a blog about computers and technology. keep up the good work...

    ps: no such thing as video game addiction, everything has the potential to be abused, i dont think they should be allowed to target something like this but neglect way worse addictions.

  16. I think for some people they're more of a time sink than an addiction. Some people just don't have alot of stuff going on, so they play videogames, and with online multiplayer, a game is never exactly the same, so its hard to get bored.

  17. yea i'm a total addict but with school and stuff i try not to play so much XD

  18. hi, mate. didnt know how to contact you but ,i'm looking for now into that site you recomended for my liver problem, you know, the one with 'fw'. i'm

    not sure if it will help my problem, but for the off chance that it will, maybe you don't want to post it in a place where everyone are stupid and spread

    it out.
    This is important info if it works. making everyone know it will cause the medical companies to notice it and shut down the option for sick people to

    become healthy.
    if it indeed works, this info should circulate within a close group of dedicated individuals so we may iradicate this disease.
    I hope you understand me and agree with me.
    if so, please convince others who already know about it, to do the same.

    my name is 'holisticbody'.

  19. They ARE addictive, especially if you play online. The desire to win is often the problem

  20. Id rather be addicted to video games than say...I dunno...Heroin or Meth.

  21. I just got addicted to her juggs. Maybe she should explain that.

  22. nice nice girl! understood just a little :D

  23. cool video indeed.

    Showing support :)

  24. I just learned something new today... thanks!

  25. hmm pretty interesting topic to be writing a paper about. i read a news report online about that before. i hardly game nowadays but i remember years ago it's all i would think about. it can be a true addiction.

  26. i agree video games are addictive, but playing shitty scrub pub cod on 360 isn't really.
